
Previews & Thumbnails


Version 4.0 brings native support for thumbnail generation for UI and core mode integrators. In modern browsers, Fine Uploader has the ability to generate image previews for dropped or selected files before the upload even begins. For older browsers (IE9 and older) Fine Uploader will display a thumbnail associated with an uploaded file, provided your server response contains a URL for the thumbnail. You also have the option to provide alternate thumbnails or thumbnails for non-images, such as videos, in your server response.

Fine Uploader will even go the extra mile, whenever possible, and parse the EXIF data for dropped or selected JPEGs in order to ensure any generated previews are oriented correctly when displayed. You can also ask Fine Uploader to enforce a maximum height/width for thumbnails in all browsers.

Finally, you may elect to have Fine Uploader display a placeholder image before the thumbnail is displayed, along with a placeholder if the thumbnail cannot be displayed for any reason. The library ships with some default placeholders, but you can easily replace these with your own.

Getting Started

The templates folder bundled with Fine Uploader contains a simple-thumbnails.html template document that you may use to get up and running with the thumbnail feature. If you are a Fine Uploader UI user, simply including using this document or including the template <script> in your existing document in place of the default.html template is all that is required to turn on the thumbnails feature.

The simple thumbnails template bundled with the library will display thumbnails between the spinner and the file name. You, of course, can customize the location, along with any other aspect of the template. Notice that the thumbnail will always be house in an <img> element. This <img> tag has a qq-max-size attribute which specifies a default maximum size to enforce for all thumbnails. A qq-server-scale attribute is also present by default. This signals Fine Uploader UI to always ensure any thumbnails display from server responses are scaled as well. You can remove this attribute or set the value to “false” if any thumbnails returned in your upload responses are already appropriately scaled.

If you are not a Fine Uploader UI user, and instead are building your own highly-customized UI utilizing Fine Uploader Core, you can still easily display thumbnails/previews via the new drawThumbnail API method. This method supports rendering optionally scaled thumbnails/previews on <canvas> elements (where supported) and of course <img> elements.

Supporting Modern Browsers

Modern browsers include Chrome, Firefox, IE10+, Safari 6+, iOS 6+, Android 4+, & Opera 15+. In these browsers, image previews can be generated immediately after the file has been selected or dropped. The images that can be previewed depend on the browser. All of these browsers can render previews for JPEG, GIF, and PNGs. Safari can also render TIFF previews.

UI mode


As mentioned previously Fine Uploader can generate previews for popular image file formats in modern browsers. In addition to this, JPEGs will be displayed with the correct orientation as Fine Uploader includes an file parser that will read the Orientation tag in the EXIF header and render the image appropriately based on this tag’s value. Furthermore, the preview will be scaled according to the value (in the template) of the <img> tag’s qq-max-size attribute. When scaling previews, Fine Uploader will draw the preview onto a <canvas> internally in order to scale the preview without resorting to CSS or inline style attribute adjustments. Once the preview is scaled on the <canvas>, it is then transferred to the <img> tag mentioned in the template.

Thumbnails from server response

If the server’s response to Fine Uploader’s upload request (or uploadSuccess for S3 endpoints) contains a thumbnailUrl property in the JSON response, Fine Uploader will attempt to render the path in the template’s <img> element for the associated successfully uploaded file. If a preview already exists for the file, it will be replaced with the server-returned thumbnail, but only if the thumbnail can be successfully displayed in the browser. This thumbnail will be scaled according to the value of the <img> tag’s qq-max-size attribute, but only if the <img> tag also contains a qq-server-scale attribute. The provided simple thumbnails template includes both of these attributes, but you can remove the latter one (or set it’s value to false) if your server is going to generate an appropriately scaled thumbnail at the returned thumbnailUrl.

Note that JPEGs grabbed from the URL returned in your server’s upload response will not be re-oriented, so your server must either be sure to create thumbnails that are oriented correctly. Since modern browsers already generate correctly oriented JPEG previews client-side, there is generally no need to worry about this. However, you should take care to not blindly return a thumbnailUrl for images that are already previewable in modern browsers unless your server intends to orient them correctly first.


You can determine if the current browser is capable of previewing images by checking the value of qq.supportedFeatures.imagePreviews.

Performance considerations

For browsers that support client-generated image previews (qq.supportedFeatures.imagePreviews === true), a configurable pause between template-generated previews is in effect. This is to prevent the complex process of generating previews from overwhelming the client machine’s CPU for a lengthy amount of time. Without this limit in place, the browser’s UI thread runs the risk of blocking, preventing any user interaction (scrolling, etc) until all previews have been generated.

Also, you may limit the number of previews generated/scaled via a thumbnails option property. This may be especially important in Chrome, which seems to have memory management issues when generating thumbnails using <canvas>. In Chrome, if enough previews are generated and rendered, the browser will eventually crash. You can avoid this situation by limiting the number of previews to be generated (say, 50). This is probably a good limit to set for all browsers, to conserve memory. When the limit has been reached, the “not available” placeholder image will be used for all subsequently submitted files.

The limits described above only apply to modern browsers that are capable of rendering previews via <canvas>. See the thumbnails option for defaults and further configuration of these limits.

Cross-origin thumbnails

Thumbnails returned in the server response may be cross-origin as well. In that case, Fine Uploader will make a best-effort attempt to scale the thumbnail (if required) using a <canvas> internally. In some browsers, this is not possible as support for image CORS is required in order to transfer the scaled cross-origin image from the <canvas> to the <img> tag. In browsers where image CORS is not supported (such as IE10) the thumbnail URL will be placed directly on the template’s <img> tag and scaled (if required) via inline style attribute properties (using max-width and max-height). If your server returns a cross-origin thumbnail URL, your server must also return the appropriate Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response, with a value equal to the domain hosting the uploader page. You can determine the domain server-side by looking at the Origin header for the GET request that the browser will send when Fine Uploader attempts to render the thumbnail in the document.

Placeholder images

If you specify URLs/paths for the thumbnails.placeholders.notAvailablePath and/or thumbnails.placeholders.waitingPath options, Fine Uploader will render a “waiting for thumbnail/preview” image until the preview generation attempt has completed, and a “image/preview not available” image if the preview generation attempt has failed. Placeholders are bundled with Fine Uploader. You can use the bundled placeholders or use your own, but be sure to specify the correct path for these placeholders in the Fine Uploader UI options if you want them to be displayed. It is valid to leave either of these options null if you don’t want a placeholder image to be displayed.

Placeholders will also be scaled, if the qq-max-size attribute on the template’s <img> tag is specified. Cross-origin placeholders will be treated the same way as cross-origin server-generated thumbnails. See the “Cross-origin thumbnails” section above for details. Re-orienting placeholder images is not supported, so, if you provide your own placeholder images, ensure they are already oriented correctly.

Core mode

For Core mode users that need to create their own highly-customized UI, there is a drawThumbnail API method that will allow you to effortlessly render either a submitted image file’s preview or a server-returned thumbnail on either a <canvas> or and <img>. See the method documentation section for drawThumbnail for more details.


The drawThumbnail method is also, of course, available to UI mode users if you want to, for example, render a preview/thumbnail on a <canvas> instead of the <img> tag in the template.

Supporting Older Browsers (IE9 and older)

“Older” browsers include IE9 and older, Safari 5, and Android older than version 4. In these browsers, client-side image previews are not possible. However, Fine Uploader provides a way to display thumbnails returned in the server’s response to the upload request. If you want thumbnails to be displayed in these browsers, your server will have to either generate the thumbnail or simply return a public URL for the uploaded image. Fine Uploader will display the thumbnail if the URL can result in a natively rendered <img>.

UI mode

If you want to display thumbnails (after the upload has completed) next to the associated files, your server must return a thumbnailUrl property in its JSON response to the upload (or uploadSuccess request for S3 endpoints). Fine Uploader will scale the thumbnail using inline style attribute properties (via max-width and max-height) if the qq-max-size attribute is present on the template’s <img> template tag. Re-orientation is not possible client-side. If you do not want to display thumbnails for these browsers, you can contribute an alternate template for browsers that do not support client-side previews and set the template option accordingly, based on the capabilities of the current browser.

Placeholder images

Placeholder images are supported in older browsers as well. As with thumbnails, placeholder images will be scaled, if required, via incline style attribute properties. If specified, the “waiting for thumbnail” placeholder will be visible until the server response is parsed. If the server response contains a thumbnailUrl property in its response, and the URL can be rendered in an <img> tag, this placeholder will be replaced with the thumbnail. Otherwise, if specified, the “not available” placeholder will be displayed. See the “Placeholder images” section above for more details.

Core mode

For Core mode users that need to create their own highly-customized UI, there is a drawThumbnail API method that will allow you to effortlessly render either a submitted image file’s server-returned thumbnail on an <img>. Note that you are limited to drawing the thumbnail on an <img> in these browsers. Also, since client-side previews are not possible in these browsers, the thumbnail will need to be provided in your server’s upload response. Fine Uploader will scale the thumbnail using inline style attribute properties (via max-width and max-height) if you specify a maxSize parameter. See the method documentation section for drawThumbnail for more details.


The drawThumbnail method is also, of course, available to UI mode users.