
Concurrent Chunking


For details on the concept of chunking, start with the chunking feature page.

The concurrent chunking feature allows multiple chunks for each file to be uploaded simultaneously. The traditional chunking feature only sends one chunk at a time per file. The number of chunks sent at once will always equal the maximum number of available connections (see the maxConnections option).

For example, if one file is submitted, and it can be broken up into 3 chunks, and maxConnections is set to 3, all 3 chunks of the file will be uploaded simultaneously. With this feature disabled, the first chunk will be uploaded, the second chunk will be submitted only after the first chunk completes, and the third chunk will be uploaded only after the second chunk completes.


There is a clear benefit in terms of upload speed when sending multiple chunks at once. The concurrent chunks feature is primarily in place to maximize bandwidth usage for single large file uploads.

Our internal tests that involved uploading multiple chunks for a specific file concurrently showed significant improvements in bandwidth utilization. For example, on our internal network, sending a 110 MB file to S3 with chunk sizes of 5 MB took about 22 seconds when chunks were uploaded one-at-a-time (with concurrent chunking disabled). When maxing out the default maxConnections for that file (3 chunks at once, concurrent chunking enabled) the same file uploaded in about 12 seconds.

Server-side Implications

There are only server-side implications for traditional endpoints. If you using Fine Uploader S3, or Fine Uploader Azure, for example, you can skip this section entirely.

If you specify a path for the chunking.success.endpoint option, Fine Uploader (traditional) will send a POST request, giving your server an opportunity to combine all parts into a single file. This option is required when concurrent chunking is enabled, and you may also take advantage of this request if you are not using the concurrent chunking feature.

The POST request described above is necessary to ensure your server does not have to maintain state information about an in-progress upload. Without this POST, your server would have to determine, with each chunk upload, if all chunks have been successfully uploaded and persisted. This can be tricky with multiple chunks uploading simultaneously for a single file. To avoid this complexity, the chunking.success.endpoint option is required when making use of the concurrent chunking feature.

Headers for the chunking success POST

Any custom headers you have specified via the request.customHeaders option will also be included in this request.

Payload (body) for the chunking success POST

The request body will be a URL-encoded string of parameters.

Any parameters you have specified for the upload request (either via options or the API) will also be passed along with this request.

Fine Uploader will also include the following parameters that describe the underlying file:

  • qquuid: the UUID of the underlying file.
  • qqfilename: the name of the underlying file.
  • qqtotalfilesize: the size, in bytes, of the underlying file.
  • qqtotalparts: the total number of parts that make up the underlying file.

Expected response for the chunking success POST

For successful responses, you may return an empty body with a status of 200, 201, or 202. Any other status code is determined to be a failure. You can also return a JSON response with any data your would like passed to your onComplete handler. Furthermore, you can include an error property in your response with the error message you would like to have displayed next to the failed file (if you are using Fine Uploader UI).

Endpoint Support

All endpoint types are supported by this feature. Note that the chunking.success.endpoint option is required for traditional endpoints when this feature is enabled.


You simply must set the chunking.concurrent.enabled flag. If using a traditional upload endpoint (i.e. not S3 or Azure) you must also specify a chunking.success.endpoint path, where Fine Uploader will send a POST after all chunks have been successfully uploaded for each file.

For example:

    request: {
        endpoint: "/upload/receiver"
    chunking: {
        enabled: true,
        concurrent: {
            enabled: true
        success: {
            endpoint: "/chunksdone"