
Azure Server-Side Notes & Requirements

Using the direct-to-Azure uploader module means that most of the server-side work required to parse upload requests is handled by Microsoft for you. However, there is some minimal communication required between Fine Uploader and your local server. This document will outline both required and optional server-side tasks.


Fine Uploader Azure does not support IE9 and older. This is due to the fact that Azure’s API does not allow files to be uploaded via multipart encoded POST requests, which is critical for IE9 and older support. If you need to support IE9 and older, you will need to load/use Fine Uploader with its traditional endpoint handler if the value of qq.supportedFeatures.ajaxUploading is false.

Creating your Azure Blob Storage container’s CORS configuration

You MUST properly set the CORS configuration in your container(s). Fine Uploader must make cross-origin requests to Azure. You can read more about CORS configuration on the Azure developer site.

Unfortunately, CORS can only be configured via the Azure SDK/API. The management console does not allow you to configure your container in this regard at this point. The Fine Uploader Azure C# example covers CORS configuration.

A simple and typical CORS configuration would look like this:


Some notes on the above configuration:

  • The PUT method is required to upload blobs, blocks, and combine blocks into a blob. The latter two apply if chunking is enabled/used.
  • The DELETE method is required. It is used by the delete file feature (optional) but is also used by Fine Uploader Azure to clean up uncommitted blocks if an in-progress chunked upload is cancelled.
  • You will also need to include entries in the AllowedHeaders tag for any custom parameters (user metadata) you want to attach to the blob. All parameters are sent as headers with a prefix of “x-ms-meta-“.
  • If you are using the scaling feature, and you are have electing to have the original/parent image uploaded, you will need to account for these headers in your CORS configuration as well: “x-ms-meta-qquuid”, “x-ms-meta-qqparentuuid”, and “x-ms-meta-qqparentsize”.

Required server-side tasks

The only required server-side task for all browsers is an endpoint the returns a Shared Access Signature URI for each request Fine Uploader Azure makes against the Azure REST API. This endpoint corresponds to the signature.endpoint property.

Fine Uploader will send a GET request to your signature endpoint. The following parameters will be included in the query string of this request URI:

  • _method: The verb that will be used by Fine Uploader when it sends the associated request to Azure. Possible values are “DELETE” and “PUT” at this time.
  • _bloburi: The fully-qualified URI for the blob associated with the request that Fine Uploader will send to Azure.
  • qqtimestamp: You can ignore this parameter. It is simply used to ensure that the browser requests a fresh SAS URI from your server every time.

Verification before returning a SAS URI

Before you return a SAS URI, you might want to verify the _bloburi and _method to ensure that the associated user is allowed to perform the requested action on the associated blob. If there is an issue, and your server does not want the requested operation to occur, your server should respond with a 403 status code. If your server returns a 403, Fine Uploader Azure will not send the underlying request, and will not attempt an auto-retry either.

Returning a SAS URI

At this point, the simplest way to generate a SAS URI is to use the Microsoft Windows Azure Storage SDK server-side. See our C# server-side example for details.

Once the SAS URI has been generated, simply return it in your response to Fine Uploader’s signature request.

Optional server-side tasks

If you would like Fine Uploader to notify your server when any file has been successfully uploaded to Azure, you should set the uploadSuccess.endpoint property. If this is set, Fine Uploader will send a POST request to your server with a Content-Type of “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”. The payload of this request, by default, will contain the following information:

  • Blob name
  • Container URL
  • UUID of the file
  • Name of the file
  • Any parameters/form fields you have associated with the file

An example of the payload for this request sent by Fine Uploader would look like this:


If you need to perform some specific task to verify the file server-side at this point, you can do so when handling this request and let Fine Uploader know if there is a problem with this file by returning a response with an appropriate (non-200) status code. Furthermore, you can include a message to be displayed (FineUploader/default-UI mode) and passed to your onError callback handler via an error property in the payload of your response. In this case, the response payload must be valid JSON. Furthermore, you can tell Fine Uploader to prevent any retries by including a preventRetry property in the payload of your JSON response with a value of “true”.

You can also pass any data to your Fine Uploader complete event handler, client-side, by including it in a valid JSON response to the uploadSuccess.endpoint POST request.

Delete File support

Support for the delete file feature when using the Azure uploader is a bit different than the traditional endpoint uploader. Instead of proxying the delete request through your local server, Fine Uploader Azure will send delete requests directly to Azure. As usual, Fine Uploader will ask your server for a SAS URI before sending the request.

CORS support

Support for CORS exists for the requests sent to the signature.endpoint uploadSuccess.endpoint paths. You will need to set the expected property of the cors option when setting up your Fine Uploader instance. You must also include appropriate headers in your server-response, and possibly handle OPTIONS (pre-flight) requests sent by the browser. Please read the blog post on CORS support for details. Note that you can ignore the “Handling iframe CORS upload requests server-side” section.


If you would like to override the client-side generated preview (where supported) or provide a thumbnail for a non-previewable file that you have generated server-side, you can do so by providing an absolute or relative path (URL) to this thumbnail in your response to the uploadSuccess request via a thumbnailUrl property in your JSON response. The URL may be cross-origin as well. See the previews/thumbnails feature page for more information on this feature.