
Uploading Directly to Amazon S3

General Uploads to S3

Please see the blog post on Fine Uploader S3.

Uploading to S3 Through a CDN

Support for uploads to an S3 bucket via a CDN was added in Fine Uploader 5.1.0. You can upload files to any S3 bucket through any CDN, provided the CDN forwards all headers and does not append any additional headers to the request that is sent on to S3. An example of a CDN that should work fine is fastly.

S3 Transfer Acceleration

Amazon's S3 Transfer Acceleration option is by far the easiest way to have your uploads to S3 go through a CDN (Amazon Cloudfront). To use this feature, simply enable it in your AWS console and specify https://[bucket-name].s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com instead of https://[bucket-name].s3.amazonaws.com for the request.endpoint option.

Custom CDN

When uploading to S3 via a CDN, you must specify the name of the bucket. This is not required when directly uploading to S3 or when using the Transfer Acceleration option, since Fine Uploader is able to determine the bucket name by examining the S3 endpoint URL. This is obviously not the case for a CDN endpoint. So, in addition to specifying the CDN endpoint via the request.endpoint option, you must also specify a bucket name via the objectProperties.bucket option.

Furthermore, if you are using version 4 signatures, you also must specify the hostname of the S3 bucket via the objectProperties.host option.

Please see the documentation for these options for more details.

The simplest set up consists of:

var uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
    request: {
        endpoint: '{ YOUR_CDN_ENDPOINT_URL }'
        accessKey: '{ YOUR_ACCESS_KEY }'
    objectProperties: {
        bucket: '{ YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME }'
        host: '{ YOUR_S3_BUCKET_HOST_NAME }' // only needed for version 4 signatures
    signature: {
        endpoint: '/s3/signature'
    uploadSuccess: {
        endpoint: '/s3/success'
    iframeSupport: {
        localBlankPagePath: '/success.html'

Accounting for browser/client clock drift

If the clock on the machine running Fine Uploader is too far off of the current date, S3 may reject any requests sent from this machine. To overcome this situation, you can include a clock drift value, in milliseconds, when creating a new Fine Uploader instance. One way to set this value is to subtract the current time according to the browser from the current unix time according to your server. For example:

var uploader = new s3.FineUploader({
    request: {
        clockDrift: SERVER_UNIX_TIME_IN_MS - Date.now()

If this value is non-zero, Fine Uploader S3 will use it to pad the x-amz-date header and the policy expiration date sent to S3.


If you would like to attach HTTP headers to objects uploaded to your S3 bucket via Fine Uploader S3, you must specify them as parameters, either via the setParams API method, or the request.params option. All parameter/header names will be prefixes with "x-amz-meta-", and values will be URI encoded, except for the following "special" headers:

  • Cache-Control
  • Content-Disposition
  • Content-Encoding
  • Content-MD5
  • x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id
  • x-amz-server-side-encryption
  • x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm
  • x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key
  • x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5

The above header names and values will be untouched. If any of these values needs to be encoded in some way, you are responsible for doing so before passing the header to Fine Uploader S3.