
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

CORS or Cross-origin resource sharing allows client-side JavaScript to make AJAX requests to another domain.

Fine Uploader has support for uploading and sending requests via CORS, but there are a few caveats depending on which browser is being used.

Support exceptions

  • In IE8 and IE9, the response from the request iframe is passed to the uploader window via window.postMessage.
  • Delete file CORS requests in IE9 and earlier are not supported. This is due to the fact that DELETE requests must be preflighted. IE9 and earlier require XDomainRequest to be used when sending CORS requests, and XDomainRequest does not support preflighting. The delete files feature will be automatically disabled in IE9 and earlier if Fine Uploader CORS support is enabled.

Enabling CORS support

If you set the core.expected property to true, it is assumed that all requests will be cross-domain requests. If you set this value to true and do not respond using the cross-domain response convention outlined in the next section for non-XHR requests, even if the request is NOT cross-domain, it will be considered a failure.

var uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
    element: document.getElementById('myUploader'),
    request: {
        endpoint: 'server/upload'
    cors: {
        //all requests are expected to be cross-domain requests
        expected: true,

        //if you want cookies to be sent along with the request
        sendCredentials: true

Handling XHR CORS requests server-side

You will know if an incoming upload request was sent via XMLHttpRequest if the request has an X-Requested-With header with a value of “XMLHttpRequest”. If CORS support is enabled in Fine Uploader, you must properly handle the associated requests and format your responses accordingly. Note that, since non-standards headers are sent with all Fine Uploader requests, ALL XHR requests are preflighted. This applies to both delete file requests (which are all XHR requests) and upload requests on browsers that support the File API. This means that you will need to handle an OPTIONS request as well. Your responses must include the appropriate Access-Control headers. If you set the cors.sendCredentials property to true, you should be aware that your responses must NOT include wildcard Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers, and you must also include the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. The actual response text for CORS XHR requests will not differ at all from response text for non-CORS requests.

Handling iframe CORS upload requests server-side

An incoming upload request has been sent sent by Fine Uploader via a form submission inside of a hidden iframe if the request does not have an X-Requested-With header, or if the X-Requested-With header has a value other than “XMLHttpRequest”. Handling cross-domain iframe/form-submit-initiated uploads (in browsers that do not support the File API) is a bit tricky for Fine Uploader. Your response for iframe based request (such as required when using IE8 or IE9), will look very similar to your normal response, except it must have a Content-Type header value of “text/html”, and your response must import a helper javascript file via a <script> tag immediately preceding your valid JSON response. For example:

"{\"success\": true, \"uuid\": \"9da17ad5-ad6a-40cd-81b5-226e837db45b\"}<script src=\"http://<YOUR_SERVER_DOMAIN>/iframe.xss.response-<VERSION>.js/"></script>"

All cross-domain iframe-initiated responses must end with the script tag above, and the valid JSON portion must include the UUID of the associated file. Note that you must host the iframe.xss.response.js file on an accessible server and reference it in the <script> tag accordingly. When the contents of your response is returned to the iframe tracked by Fine Uploader, the associated javascript file imported by the script tag above will be executed, and will pass the JSON portion of your response to the uploader via window.postMessage.