
Upgrading to 4.x

The 4.0 version brings some breaking changes, mostly surrounding templating in Fine Uploader UI. If you are not using Fine Uploader UI or the standalone drag & drop module, you will not be affected by these changes.

Be sure to read about templating in the styling guide.

Fine Uploader UI breaking changes & upgrade instructions

Templating has been a mess in Fine Uploader UI for quite some time, arguably since day 1. The goal was to clean up this mess in 4.0 so that integrators/designers could more easily customize the look and feel of UI mode without resorting to core mode and developing a custom UI from scratch. There will likely still be some cases where it makes more sense to drop back to Fine Uploader Core and develop a new UI from scratch, but the improvements to templating in UI mode should make that scenario much less likely.

At a high level, the template markup was moved out of the javascript source and into the document. You will need to, at least, include the default template bundled with Fine Uploader in your document. This step made many classes and text option properties redundant as well, so appropriate properties were removed. What follows is a more detailed description of these breaking changes, along with instructions that should make the upgrade process from a 3.x build a bit easier.

Changed template option to take an ID (string) or element (pointing to script tag containing template)

Previously, the template option contained the top-level template markup (sans the file list markup) as a string. If you wanted to change this, you needed to copy and paste this unwieldy string into your glue code and make appropriate changes. You also had to be careful about changing any of the CSS classes assigned to these template items. If any CSS class was removed/renamed, you had to be sure to update the associated classes option property, since Fine Uploader UI used the same CSS classes for selection and styling.

In version 4.0, the template option expects either a string or an Element as a value (or a jQuery object if using the jQuery plug-in wrapper). You may either specify the ID of the <script> element in your document that contains the template markup, or you may select the <script> yourself. The default value is a string: “qq-template”.

The default template HTML file that is bundled with Fine Uploader contains a <script> with an ID of “qq-template” along with all supported template items. You can drop this into your document without any changes, and Fine Uploader UI will work just as it did before. If you want to further customize the template, you can make appropriate changes to the markup in the <script> template contents. You can remove almost any item in the template if you don’t want it to be rendered in the DOM. Note that each template item has a CSS class that ends in “-selector” which is used internally for selecting the item. A second CSS class may be present on the item, used only for styling. You can remove this second CSS class without fear of breaking the uploader. If you remove the “-selector” CSS class, Fine Uploader will simply ignore the item, though it will still render in the DOM.

Removed the fileTemplate option

The contents of the old template and fileTemplate options have been combined into one template, which must be included as a <script> tag with a type of “text/template” in your document. You can use the template contained in the included default.html file in the templates directory as-is, or modify it to match your application.

Template must be included in document script tag for Fine Uploader UI

As mentioned previously, even if you did not make any adjustments to the default template or fileTemplate options in older versions of Fine Uploader UI, you still must include a template in your document. A default template is now bundled with Fine Uploader. You can use the bundled HTML file, or copy and paste the template <script> tag into your document.

Various changes to the bundled CSS file

There were a few styling-related changes made to the CSS file that ships with the library.

A .qq-hide style, which defaults to display: none; was also added. You can override this default style via increased specificity, or you can contribute a new value for this CSS class that Fine Uploader will assign to any element that it needs to hide. See the classes option in the styling guide for more details.

The .qq-upload-finished style was removed, as this did not appear to serve a useful purpose anymore.

Removed retry.showButton

If you do not want the retry button displayed next to each file automatically when a manual retry is possible, simply omit the retry-related element from your template.

Removed editFilename.enabled

If you do not want to utilize the edit filename feature, either ensure the autoUpload option is set to true (this is the default) or remove the edit-filename related elements from your template. Currently, this involves removing the “qq-edit-filename-icon-selector” and “qq-edit-filename-selector” elements.

Removed all classes option properties, other than the ones listed in styling doc

In most cases, there is no longer any need to define options for each class associated with a UI-mode template item. Remember, Fine Uploader UI 4.0’s default template includes a “-selector” class on each template item specifically for selecting the item, and another for styling. You can remove or rename the styling class without fear of breaking the uploader. In fact, omitting most template items is possible as well. The only classes properties that remain are ones that are added by Fine Uploader dynamically/on-demand. You can override any of these default values if you’d like to use one of your own custom CSS classes instead.

Added classes.hide

Part of the 4.0 template rework included a push to stop assigning/changing style attributes on template items in the javascript code directly. Previously, if Fine Uploader UI wanted to hide an element, it would add a display: none; style attribute value to the element, and then change this display property to a variable appropriate value when it was time to display the element again. As of 4.0, to hide an element, Fine Uploader adds a qq-hide CSS class to the element, which is defined with a default style of display: none; in the bundled CSS file. When the element must be visible again, this class is removed. You can override the default CSS class name for hiding elements via classes.hide.

Note that the standalone drag & drop module (which is also used internally by Fine Uploader UI) still sets a display: none; style directly on drop zones when they must be hidden, and changes this to display: block; to make them visible again. This was left alone, as we didn’t want to break all Fine Uploader Core mode apps that do not include Fine Uploader UI’s default CSS file (since there has never been a dependency on this file when using core mode).

Removed all text option properties, except for failUpload, formatProgress and waitingForResponse

Similar to the changes to the classes option, there is no longer a need to have options dedicated to text that appears with template items in most cases. You can easily change the default text in your template. In cases where Fine Uploader UI dynamically changes text based on conditions, text options remain for you to adjust if desired.

Removed dragAndDrop.disableDefaultDropzone

If you want to disable the default drop zone, simply remove the drop zone related element(s) from your template.

Removed dragAndDrop.hideDropzones

If you want an extra or default drop zone to remain invisible until an item approaches the drop area, simply include a qq-hide-dropzone attribute on the drop zone container. The attribute is present on the drop area in the default template, but it can be removed, of course.

Standalone drag & drop module breaking changes & upgrade instructions

Removed hideDropZonesBeforeEnter option in standalone DnD module (replaced w/ qq-hide-dropzone attr)

This is the only breaking change to the standalone drag & drop module. Instead of specifying a value for a hideDropZonesBeforeEnter option that either hides all drop zones until an item approaches (or not) you can now control visibility in this respect per-dropzone via a qq-hide-dropzone attribute on the drop zone container.