
Upgrading to 5.x

The 5.0 version brings some breaking changes, mostly surrounding upload requests.

If you are upgrading from a 3.x version, be sure to also read the Upgrading to 4.x document.

Resume data persisted using localStorage for traditional endpoints

Fine Uploader no longer uses cookies to persist auto-resume data for traditional endpoints. Now, all auto-resume data is persisted to localStorage for all endpoint handlers.

This means that any existing auto-resume records will be lost when you switch to a 5.x version if you utilize a traditional endpoint handler.

Persisted resume data format changed for S3 and Azure upload endpoints

This means that any existing resume records will be ignored. This format change was required to support the new concurrent chunking feature.

Most XHR requests will now contain an Accept header

This is probably not technically a breaking change, but it should be mentioned here just in case your server, for some reason, is not expecting this header on requests from Fine Uploader. This change affects all XMLHttpRequest originated requests sent to local servers (i.e. not requests sent to S3/Azure).

Your can look at this header to programmatically determine the correct Content-Type for your response, but you should NOT rely on this value for upload requests in IE9 and older since the Accept header is set by the browser and is not reflective of the expected response Content-Type. Also, ajax requests sent in IE9 and IE8 in a cross-origin environment will not contain this header, since the XDomainRequest transport is used and does not allow headers to be specified.

Removed all utility functions that deal with cookies

As a result of the switch from cookies to localStorage, we removed these cookie-related utility functions as they are no longer needed by Fine Uploader. If you were utilizing these utility functions for your app, consider importing a cookie library as a replacement, such as jquery-cookie or Cookies.

The specific removed util functions were:

  • qq.areCookiesEnabled
  • qq.getCookie
  • qq.setCookie
  • qq.deleteCookie

Changes to resume option

The id property of the resume option was removed. Very few integrators, if any, were making use of this option. If you were making use of this option property, any existing resume records will be lost when you upgrade to 5.x.

Also, for traditional endpoints, the cookiesExpireIn option has changed to recordsExpireIn. This is related to the switch from cookies to localStorage.

onResume callback is no longer promissory

A promise is no longer an acceptable return type from an onResume callback. It was unclear what benefit this provided, and supporting this made the code more complicated. Due to a long-standing oversight in the code, promises were only accepted from onResume callbacks when using the traditional endpoint handler anyway.

Chunked request only sent for traditional endpoints if necessary

If the chunking.partSize value is greater than or equal to the size of the file, no chunking will occur. Note that a chunked request is different from a non-chunked request due to differing headers, and the fact that the message-body of a chunked request contains a Blob, while a non-chunked request message-body contains a File (assuming the file is not a scaled version and the original file is not a Blob itself).

This means that, even if chunking is enabled, a chunked upload request is only sent to traditional endpoints if the associated file can be broken into more than 1 chunk. This behavior is consistent with the way all other endpoints have functioned. Previously, a chunked request would always be sent for traditional endpoints if chunking was supported and enabled.

drawThumbnail API method only passes one argument to rejected promise callback

This was done to bring the API that Fine Uploader exposes in compliance with the A+ promises spec. While qq.Promise is not A+ compliant, use of other promise implementations when communicating with Fine Uploader is now supported. Since the spec indicates that only one argument can be passed to a resolve or reject callback, the promise returned by the drawThumbnail API method had to be modified. The resolve callback already was only passed one argument (the container element), this breaking change only affects the reject callback. Previously, two arguments were passed, in the event of an error, to the reject callback: the container element, and an error message. Now, an object with container and error properties is the only argument.