
Server Set-Up Amazon S3

For this tutorial we are going to use PHP to develop a simple server which will sign requests bound for S3.

If PHP is not your style, then feel free to browse the other server-side examples repository. It's quite important for you to read the Amazon S3 server-side integration instructions before you do any of this, though.

Getting Started

Step 1: Setup your S3 bucket & IAM user

Please read our blog post on Fine Uploader S3 for more information regarding setup of your buckets and IAM users.

Step 2: Download the sample PHP S3 signature server

We've published an S3 endpoint PHP server for Fine Uploader to Packagist, which means you can easily download it to your project using [composer][composer]!

Follow these simple steps to get a copy of the PHP traditional endpoint using Composer:

  1. Download Composer: curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php.
  2. Create a composer.json file and place it in the root of your project. See below for an example file.
  3. Install the Fine Uploader S3 endpoint code: php composer.phar install.

An example composer.json file may look like this:

  "require": {
    "fineuploader/php-s3-server": "1.1.0"

Be sure to update the version with the appropriate version of Fine Uploader's S3 PHP server.

Step 3: Prepare your environment

You will need to set 4 environment variables before starting the server. These variables will store your AWS client-side secret key, AWS server-side public key, AWS server-side secret key, and the name of your S3 bucket. You set up your bucket, along with all of your keys, in step 1 above.

To set your environment variables on a Unix or Linux system, you may execute 4 lines, similar to this:

export AWS_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY=fake/client-private-key
export AWS_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY=fake-server-public-key
export AWS_SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY=fake/server-private-key
export S3_BUCKET_NAME=mybucket

Step 4: Start the PHP server

You can easily start up a simple HTTP server using PHP. Run the following command in the root of your web server:

php -S

The above command will spawn a server on port 8080.

Step 5: Verify your Fine Uploader client-side configuration

Ensure all relevant configuration options are pointing to the path of the downloaded S3 signature endpoint server. For example, if you placed composer.json in the root of your web server, the path to your PHP server will be /vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php. You'll need to be aware of this endpoint when setting the request.endpoint, signature.endpoint, and uploadSuccess.endpoint, and deleteFile.endpoint configuration options.

A typical configuration may look like this:

var s3Uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
        element: document.getElementById("fineuploader-container"),
        debug: true,
        request: {
            endpoint: "http://mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com",
            accessKey: "my-client-public-key"
        signature: {
            endpoint: "/vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php"
        uploadSuccess: {
            endpoint: "/vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php?success"
        iframeSupport: {
            localBlankPagePath: "success.html"
        chunking: {
            enabled: true,
            concurrent: {
                enabled: true
        resume: {
            enabled: true
        retry: {
            enableAuto: true,
            showButton: true
        deleteFile: {
            enabled: true,
            endpoint: "/vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php"

Step 6: Start uploading!

You're all set! If you do run into any problems you can ask a question on [Stack Overflow under the fine-uploader tag][so]. Server example bugs should be reported in the php-s3-server GitHub repository.